A glimpse into a day in my life! This particular day is Thursday March 14, 2019. Josh is 3-1/4 years old, and Ryan is 8 months old. A mix of mom life and work life with a few straight-from-my-iPhone pictures. Click here to view past Day in the Life posts. 

5:45am – Ryan wakes up, Shawn’s already awake and showering. (Ryan is sleeping through the night now, AND him and Josh are in the same room. It is beyond amazing!) I go get Ryan to nurse him in my bed. Then we lay there and snuggle. He falls back asleep in my arms, and I carry him back to his room to sleep for another hour.

6:15am – I make my bed, get dressed, and go in the living room to do my in-home workout that I am *obsessed* with. Best way to start the day! I used to check my phone first thing, but now I don’t even touch my phone and have the morning be quiet me time. It’s been life changing.

6:45am – Workout done. Pick up the house. Check emails real quick and get all inboxes to zero.

7:15am – Ryan wakes up, which then wakes Josh up. Can’t wait to go hug my boys! I get Josh an almond milk in a sippy cup (he still loves his morning “milk”!). I nurse Ryan in my bed while Josh drinks his milk in his bed and slowly wakes up. Get both boys up and we go play in the living room. We FaceTime Shawn to say good morning to Daddy.

7:45am – Give the boys big hugs, then go make the boys breakfast while they play on the floor. Ryan and Josh are starting to play together and it’s SO sweet when they’re playing together nicely, which is about 75% of the time, *wink*.

8:00am – Breakfast time! I’m having 2 sunny side up eggs over sautéed spinach. Josh is having blueberries and half a piece of toast with scrambled eggs. Ryan is having scrambled eggs, blueberries and chopped watermelon.

8:15am – Give Ryan a sink bath (he’s such a messy eater!), get Ryan dressed, then get Josh dressed for school.

8:30am – It’s a nice enough day that we’re going to walk to Josh’s preschool today! Get the boys buckled in and bundled up, still kind of cold out. Josh and I chat the whole way. I love getting to talk to Josh and hear all the things he thinks about. Ryan is enjoying the ride.

8:50am – Drop Josh off at school and give him the biggest hug! Then walk back home. It’s a much easier walk without having to push the 35 pounds of Josh, ha!

9:10am – Home! Make some coffee, then nurse Ryan and get him down for his morning nap. Then clean up breakfast and straighten the house.

9:30am – My mom and sister come over for a coffee date! My favorite! We sit on the couch and talk and laugh away.

10:00am – Ryan wakes up from his nap and comes to join our girls date.

11:15am – My mom and sister head home, and I drive to go pick up Josh from preschool.

11:20am – Pick up Josh from school and give him the biggest hug! We call Shawn on the way home while Josh tells us about his day.

11:25am – Home, and Josh shows me the art he made at preschool in his tote bag. So cute!

11:30am – Make us all lunch. Put Ryan in his high chair with some chickpeas and banana while I prep everything.

11:45am – Lunchtime! I’m having tuna with cucumber slices and a pickle (didn’t meal prep this week, which means I’m scrounging for lunch food). Josh is having chips and avocado lime smash, half an apple and a baby bell pepper. Ryan is having a butternut squash, chicken, bone broth and flax meal homemade baby food. We watch Wreck it Ralph during lunchtime.

12:30am – Give Ryan a sink bath after lunch, and get him dressed. Both boys play while I clean up lunch. Ryan pinches his finger in a drawer and cries, Josh runs to his room scared. Not sure if it was an accident or Josh closed the drawer on him? Give Ryan hugs, Josh comes out with a binkie for Ryan. Makes me suspicious maybe Josh had something to do with this. Ha! Josh gives Ryan a kiss. I get all boys ready for bed. Put Josh in his bed first, then nurse Ryan and get him to bed.

12:45pm – Both boys in their beds. I clean up lunch and pick up toys.

1:00pm – Go on my phone for the first time today. Check instagram. Answer DM’s. Quickly go through my feed and watch a few stories. Then do an instagram story of my own sharing the Meatloaf recipe I shared Monday and how I fed it to Josh.

1:30pm – Go through emails and get all inboxes to zero. Then start writing this post.

2:00pm – Ryan is waking up from his nap. A little too early for him! I go in quick before he wakes up Josh, nurse him, and lay with him hoping he’ll go back to sleep. He’s definitely awake. Ha! We go out in the living room and play. Then I feed him snacks in his highchair while I break down 2 chickens for our dinners for the next 7 days. I make a batch of bone broth with the carcasses, prep the veggies for dinner tonight, and make a new batch of almond milk.

3:00pm – Josh is awake. Ryan and I go in and give him a sippy cup of almond milk. Then Shawn comes home and we play in the boys room for a bit. Shawn climbs in Josh’s bed with Ryan and reads him a story. So cute! We play for a bit, I clean up the kitchen, then we get ready to go to the park.

4:00pm – We walk down to the park with the boys. It’s such a nice day out! Spring is definitely around the corner. We play in the sand, push the boys in the swing, watch Josh on the slide, Ryan plays in the grass. Shawn and I talk and catch up on our day. Josh keeps saying, “Daddy, stop talking to Mommy and play with me!” Ha!

4:45pm – Ryan gets a little fussy (he definitely didn’t take a long enough nap). I nurse him over in the back of the park. Then we start our walk back home.

5:00pm – We play outside for a bit while Shawn fires up the grill. We’re so spoiled here in California and can grill in March! The boys play inside and outside. Ryan goes in his jumpy and Josh wants to push him, but he’s a little too rough so I have to keep reminding Josh that it’s too scary for Ryan. I roast some cauliflower and sauté some shaved brussels sprouts. Shawn grills chicken thighs with my bbq sauce.

6:00pm – Dinner! Grilled chicken thighs with BBQ sauce, sauteed shaved brussels sprouts and roasted cauliflower. Ryan gets little bits of dinner along with some homemade peas, chicken and bone broth homemade baby food. Shawn surprised me with a beer for each of us and it basically feels like a date night out, ha! My sister stops by to say hi and feeds Ryan and hangs out for a bit. Love that she’s our neighbor!

6:30pm – Give Ryan a bath while Josh plays and Shawn does the dishes. Poor buddy is so tired! Get him out, dried off, and dressed. He falls asleep nursing and it is so sweet holding my sleeping baby. I love him!

7:00pm – Ryan is in bed. Go out in the living room and we watch a movie with Josh. He picks Frozen. It’s his new favorite because he loves snow. He has a hard time saying the name Sven, he calls him Smen. Has Shawn and I laughing. Josh is so funny! I love him! Do a quick peek at emails and Instagram, answer some DM’s on Instagram and like and comment on my favorite fellow blogger accounts.

7:30pm – We pause the movie and Josh takes a bath with Shawn. I get back to writing this post and uploading pictures.

8:00pm – Josh is out of the bath. We hang out in the living room and watch a bit more Frozen. We turn the lights off to get him feeling tired. Such a cozy and calm time of day.

8:30pm – Kiss Josh goodnight and tuck him in. Finish this post and schedule my email subscribers and social media shares. Shawn finishes our latest wedding film (yea!) and uploads it to Vimeo.

9:00pm – Shawn and I watch Game of Thrones. We’re rewatching starting from episode 1 before the season finale starts next month. I think we started it too late, we have way too many episodes to watch before it starts, ha! But having fun reminiscing on our favorite show! I also pump to keep up my milk supply. Down to just pumping once at the end of the day. So grateful to my body for always providing enough milk for my babies!

10:00pm – I shower and get in bed. I read before falling asleep, currently reading Magic Hour by Kirstin Hannah. Loving this author and working my way through all her books. Fall asleep around 10:30. Goodnight!