Keto Before and After: How I Lost 50 Pounds in 6 Months
This is a guide to my keto before and after weight loss journey. Everything I did to lose weight (50 pounds in 6 months!) by eating clean keto. Includes keto recipes and foods to avoid, every meal I ate, info on intermittent fasting, my exercise routine, keto faq, and more! If you’re looking to start the keto diet, this is an easy, quick start guide with all your questions answered!
Table of Contents
My Keto Weight Loss Journey
Hi! I’m Natalie! So honored to have you here following along! I’m rooting for you and your health journey so much!
I’m going to share all about my weight loss journey with you, but the most important thing for you to know before we begin:
Having said that, I definitely feel my best, have the most energy, and look on the outside the way I feel on the inside when I am making healthy eating choices. For me, that is clean keto. And this is my Keto Before and After!
Being thin does not come naturally to me. I have to adjust what I eat to be a happy weight. The Keto lifestyle fits perfectly into my life, and I love the added health benefits. You may hear a ton of keto success stories, and this is mine! Keep in mind that every single body is different, and you should always consult a doctor who knows your specific history.
My Weight Loss Stats (Keto Before and After)
Highest Weight: 255 pounds (May 2017)
Starting Weight 1st Time Losing Weight: 238 pounds (September 2019)
Lowest Weight: 185 pounds (March 2020)
Weight After Baby #3: 237 pounds (March 22, 2021)
Current Weight: 221 pounds (April 2021)
Height: 5’9″
Starting the Clean Keto Diet
In September 2019, I set out to lose weight, feel better, have more energy, and be the best version of myself. I had an idea of my “happy weight”, but more than that, I wanted higher energy levels, a better activity level, better sleep, and more!
I lost 50 pounds in 6 months! Ultimately losing 53 pounds in 7 months!
For this first round of losing weight, I ate clean keto, did intermittent fasting, and jogged 30 minutes a day. It was a complete lifestyle change (All explained in more detail below!).
My Not So “Setback”
In April 2020 (right after hitting my “happy weight”) I was lucky enough to get pregnant with my 3rd baby boy (yea!), who was born in January 2021.
Pregnancy did NOT feel like the time to stress over weight (especially the 1st and 3rd trimesters, ha!). I made mostly healthy choices but also allowed for lots of indulgences. Because sandwiches and ice cream are just so delicious and feel very necessary when pregnant, ha!
I gained 51 pounds during my pregnancy, which was all 100% worth it for my sweet baby Luke.
Restarting My Journey
At 9 weeks postpartum, I started feeling the desire to start getting back on track with clean keto. Mostly to have more energy to keep up with my 3 boys.
I began the 2nd round of my clean keto journey on March 22, 2021. This time I’m only focusing on eating clean keto. I’m not worrying about intermittent fasting (too hungry while breastfeeding!), and sadly I haven’t found time to squeeze in dedicated exercise (yet!). I’m still breastfeeding too!
I lost 14 pounds in the first month!
After sharing the results of my weight loss on Instagram, I’ve gotten so many questions about everything I’ve done to lose weight.
Keto Before and After FAQs: All of Your Questions, Answered!
The ketogenic diet, or keto diet, is a low-carb, high-fat diet designed to induce ketosis, where the body burns fat for energy instead of carbohydrates. It typically involves minimal carbohydrate intake (20-50g/day), moderate protein, and a high intake of healthy fats.
Some people have seen a decrease in high cholesterol, high blood pressure, improvement in blood sugar levels, weight loss, mental clarity, and more. It’s important if you do have a health condition, that you are consulting your doctor.
Short Answer: You can get started at any time! I’m here to help you and make it as easy as possible for you to replicate my results.
Long Answer: I have a post on The 10 Steps to Start Clean Eating and Losing Weight, which is a step-by-step guide on how to get started and keep with it!
Short Answer: After completing several rounds of Whole30, and becoming very comfortable in my Food Freedom, I learned what foods to avoid that don’t agree well with my digestion (no sugar, grain, or dairy for me!) I shifted into keto to take my weight loss to the next level. I eat a high-fat diet, moderate protein, low-carb diet that is mainly Whole30-friendly foods. I occasionally indulge in monk fruit sweeteners, grass-fed dairy, and alcohol.
Long Answer: I wrote a post on The Clean Keto Foods I Eat where I go more in-depth into all the foods I eat, and have a printable PDF listing out every single food I eat to make it easy for you to understand and replicate!
Short Answer: The main focus of Whole30 is to teach you to have a healthy relationship with food long term, embrace healthy eating, and determine what foods make you feel great and which foods to avoid that make you feel bad. The program also wants you to be aware of all the ingredients in your food, and avoid all highly processed foods.
The main focus of Keto (also known as the ketogenic diet) is to eat a high fat diet, moderate protein, low-carb diet to get your body into ketosis, which is when your body begins burning body fat for fuel rather than carbs/sugar. This results in fat loss!
Long Answer: If you want to learn more about Whole30, I’ve got a whole post on Everything You Need To Know About Whole30. I also highly recommend all the Whole30 Books to learn the official program rules and the reasons behind them.
To learn more about Keto, I learned a ton from this podcast episode, this book, and this book.
Short Answer: Macros are the ratio of fat, protein, and carbs in everything you eat.
Long Answer: Here is where I share all about Keto Macros: What They Are + How To Calculate.
Short Answer: I try to stick to under 25 grams of carbs a day (net carbs).
Short Answer: I tracked my macros really strictly for the first 2 or 3 weeks. I can now ballpark guess my total carbs and how much fat I’m eating each day. I never worry about daily calories or testing ketones for ketosis. There are apps like the carb manager app or my fitness pal that can help with this.
Long Answer: At the end of this post, I share more about why I now just estimate my macros rather than tracking closely.
Short Answer: My 1st round of losing weight in 2019, yes! For the first 8 months, I did strict time-restricted fasting, consuming my calories during an 8-hour window between 12 pm-8 pm. I didn’t have calories outside of my fasting window, but I would have plain tea which has 0 calories. I’ve noticed a huge increase in energy since intermittent fasting. I loved it!
Now for my 2nd round of losing weight in 2021 after having my baby boy, I’m not intermittent fasting. Mostly because I’m too hungry since I’m breastfeeding, and don’t feel the need to restrict my eating window. I’m still losing weight (I lost 14 pounds the 1st month!). I’m finding that it isn’t so much about WHEN you eat, but much more about WHAT you eat.
So try out intermittent fasting and see if it brings you joy and more energy! No right or wrong way.
Long Answer: This is a great article that goes much more in-depth into the benefits of intermittent fasting, and this article goes very much in depth into the basics of intermittent fasting.
Short Answer: So much good food! I share everything I’m eating every day on my Instagram Stories, so be sure to follow me there so you can follow along!
Long Answer: I’ve kept track of everything I ate the first 6 months of losing weight when I lost 50 pounds. Here are the posts on every single thing I ate each day, along with time stamps on each photo for intermittent fasting:
1st Round Losing Weight in 2019/2020
What I Ate in September 2019
What I Ate in October 2019
What I Ate in November 2019
What I Ate in December 2019
What I Ate in January 2020
What I ate in February 2020
2nd Round Losing Weight in 2021
What I Ate in March 2021
What I Ate in April 2021
I also have a few What I Ate Wednesday, where I share everything I ate each with links to all the recipes AND the macro counts for each meal and the whole day. These are so helpful, especially if you’re new to starting out your first week or two on keto!
What I Ate Wednesday Posts with macro counts.
Short Answer: In the first 6 months of my 1st round of losing weight, I had exactly 3 “indulgence meals”. And this was through Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year’s, and 3 vacations. Once I reach my “happy weight” and focus on maintaining it, I usually have 1 indulgence meal a week. So fun! I think giving yourself room to have a break aides in weight lost results, which is why for me it’s important to give myself these induldences.
Long Answer: Read my post Do I Have Cheat Meals? where I share more about why I’m disciplined and avoid cheat meals, and my 5 tips for a positive approach to “indulgence meals”.
Short Answer: HECK YES I DO!
Long Answer: I have over 1 year’s worth of weekly meal plans here on the blog, for free! Includes recipe links, a printable menu + grocery list, how much money I spent, plus photos + video of my grocery haul! Such an amazing resource! I just know you’ll find your “favorite keto meal” on here! These will truly help you and are the best way to get started.
Click here to view all my free Weekly Meal Plans
Short Answer: My grocery budget is around $1200 a month, which includes my monthly shipment of ButcherBox (which I highly recommend!). I buy almost exclusively organic produce. And only eat humanely + pasture-raised 100% grass-fed meat that I get from ButcherBox, along with wild-caught seafood. Keep in mind I am feeding a family of 5 (me, my husband, and 3 boys!).
Long Answer: Every Friday morning, I share my weekly meal plan, which includes how much money I spent on groceries that week. Be sure to check them all out to see exactly how much I’m spending week after week. I also have a post on 20 Ways To Save Money Eating Organic!
Short Answer: Yes!
Long Answer: Here is my post where I take you on a tour of my keto-stocked kitchen pantry, fridge, freezer and spice cabinet. I also have lists of all my favorite brands of my favorite keto foods, and at the end of that post, I have a link to my post where I share all my favorite storage containers and kitchen organizers.
Short Answer: In the first round of losing weight, I jogged 30 minutes every day, usually pushing both of my toddler boys in our double stroller. It’s quite the workout!
I’ve started out with simple jogging, for just 30 minutes a day. Before this, I’d never been able to run 1 mile in my entire life. I’m serious. Not even in high school. But now, and I never thought I would say this, I am loving jogging!
For my 2nd round of losing weight, I haven’t added in exercise yet. Still trying to find a way to do this with 3 boys! Especially since the baby isn’t sleeping through the night yet, and I’m going to choose sleep over working out. Thinking maybe a Peloton once he’s sleeping through the night. I’ll share when I find a way to work on exercise!
Long Answer: I started jogging for the first time EVER 1 week after starting clean keto in September 2019. Before that, I had never been able to jog 1 mile without stopping in my life! I used a Couch To 5K program, which is perfect for me since I was literally at a couch level of jogging, ha! I stuck with it every day, and 8 weeks later could jog 30 minutes straight, finishing 2 miles a day!
I have a whole post on my exercise routine, the jogging app that I used, and all my favorite running gear. You don’t need a gym membership to exercise!
Short Answer: In my first round of losing weight, I lost 50 pounds in 6 months, between September 2, 2019 – March 3, 2020.
Long Answer: Here is where I share How Long It Took Me To Lose Weight Eating Keto, where I share my highest weight, starting weight, height, and how much weight I lost each month.
Short Answer: I recommend weighing yourself just once a week. That way you don’t get too focused on the numbers and obsess over them. It can be hard if the scale doesn’t move day by day, especially because so much of these fluctuations are water weight!
Short Answer: I’ve never had a specific number, just wanted to find my “happy weight” which encompasses so many more things than a number on the scale. I do prefer when my weight is in the 100s! Haha!
Long Answer: While I don’t have a scale number goal, I did have 3 weight loss goals. I share about them in my post Do I Have A Goal Weight?
Short Answer: Yes! I had it most of week 2 after starting keto. The good news is, it goes away, and after I felt better than ever!
Long Answer: Here is where I share all about The Keto Flu. Signs and symptoms, when it starts, how long it lasts, and some remedies to help you feel better.
Short Answer: Nothing fancy, mostly just a multivitamin. Right now it’s a prenatal vitamin since I’ve been either pregnant or breastfeeding for the past 6 years, ha!
Long Answer: Here are my favorite vitamins + supplements I take every day with an explanation of what each is!
Short Answer: So many ways, but the top one is that when my health is in order, my whole life feels in order. This weight loss journey is about so much more than the number on the scale. Plus, doing keto has really helped with my brain fog, so thinking clearly and feeling good is a win-win for me!
Long Answer: I have a whole post sharing about How I Stay Motivated and my 10 Tips for Success! Tons of helpful tips to help you have the same success that I have!
Short Answer: Don’t give up! Stick with it!
Long Answer: I wrote a post on What To Do When the Weight Loss Plateaus, sharing my thoughts on it and 11 tips to encourage weight loss.
Short Answer: Yes! If you want to! I’d recommend sticking with keto when pregnant and breastfeeding ONLY if it brings you joy and feels effortless. (Always consult with your doctor of course).
Long Answer: Here is where I share all my thoughts on Eating Clean Keto While Pregnant + Breastfeeding, and I also share about how I breastfed my youngest the first 3 months of my weight loss journey, and whether I had any changes in my supply during that time. Here is where I share How I Keep My Milk Supply High While Breastfeeding. I am currently 9 months pregnant with my 3rd boy (as of December 2020), and I have been eating “keto-ish” during my pregnancy. Having lots of clean keto meals, but also allowing for indulgences. I am not stressing about weight at all (and in fact not even weighing myself!) I share more about it here.
Short Answer: Yes!
Long Answer: I wrote these Tips for Encouraging Your Partner To Join Your Health Journey.
Short Answer: No!
Long Answer: Here is where I share How I Avoided Hair Loss While Losing Weight, and I share my 8 tips to keep your hair healthy!
Short Answer: After having kids, I want to be the healthiest version of myself. I love them so much, and I want to be around for a longgggg time! I have some tricky genetics (breast cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, arthritis) and know eating clean is the best preventative medicine. I’ve never felt (or looked!) better!
Short Answer: Pretty much what we eat! My boys are very healthy eaters. We’ve always fed them what we eat, so they know no difference. I do let them have more indulgences than us! They eat fruit, chips, rice, beans, etc.
Long Answer: Here is a post on Everything My Kids Ate in a Month, here is a post on my Tips To Get Kids To Eat Healthy, and here is a post on my Favorite Toxic Free Kids Feeding Supplies.
Did you have more questions? Want to connect? I’m so glad you’re here! Please introduce yourself and leave a review below. I respond to every one! Be sure to follow me on Instagram, Pinterest, TikTok, and Facebook.
48 Comments on “Keto Before and After: How I Lost 50 Pounds in 6 Months”
Hi, I’m Crystal! 35, no kids, single. I found your keto blog posts about two years ago and have had it saved in my bookmarks and a folder of my favorite posts on my phone’s home screen. I have not yet been successful with weight loss because I give up so quickly. But every time I come back to your post, I feel reinspired to try again and so that is where I am again. The thought you put into these posts really tell everyone that if you can do it , we can do it and I love that. I just followed you on instagram and I love that board you made with the weight loss sticky notes to track progress! I will definitely make one of those of my own TODAY as I start. And I hope to be sharing my success story with you soon!
This just made my whole morning! Thank you for taking the time to share this with me! I’m starting again too after having my 4th and final baby. We’re in it together!
Rooting for you and your health journey!
Loose weight, getting rid of arthritis, high blood pressure, bad cholesterol, asthma
Yes! There are so many benefits of keto!
Hello! Thank you for this amazing article! “Ketogenic” is a term for a low-carb diet (like the Atkins diet). The idea is for you to get more calories from protein and fat and less from carbohydrates. You cut back most on the carbs that are easy to digest, like sugar, soda, pastries, and white bread.
Hi! Cutting back on all those carbs makes me feel so good! Thanks for being here!
You are a great body, it is very important that you share with everyone, then perhaps you will inspire other people and they will believe in themselves more and will also achieve their goal! You are cool!
Aww, thank you so much. I love to share my journey to inspire others. If I can do it, YOU can do it!
Thank you for sharing this post. I am planning to loose weight this summer. I will be running for long distances.
So glad you enjoyed the post. Congratulations to you for starting your journey to better health Saki.