Five Things for Friday
1. Look how big the chickens are getting! They’re about 11 weeks old, and love playing outside now that it is warming up. We open the coop every morning and let them roam free in the backyard all day. At night, they head in to the coop once it gets dark. We just close it up before going to bed. They’re very easy.
Just like kids, the chickens like to play. Shawn made them this “play structure” out of a step ladder, a water jug holder and some scrap lumber and they all love it! Nothing makes them happier than balancing on something.
We first noticed how much they liked jumping on things when they were playing on this piece of lumber when we were building the coop. They’re so cute!
2. My mom, sister and I had a fun girls night date. We went out to dinner, and then went to this art studio in town where they serve wine and walk you thru making a painting. So fun! Very relaxing painting and listening to music while sipping on wine.
Our paintings turned out pretty good too!
3. If you love food (which, obviously you do, *wink*), you have GOT to watch Chef’s Table on Netflix. So good! It’s a docuseries with 6 episodes, and each one follows a different michelin star rated chef from around the world. Very inspiring, and the filming of it is stunning. Shawn and I binge watched all 6 episodes in a weekend. Highly recommend.
Also, if you’re looking for a fun thriller movie to watch on Netflix, we love love loved Blue Ruin that is streaming. It kind of reminded me of No Country for Old Men. If you liked that kind of slow, intense movie you’ll love Blue Ruin.
We also loved Entourage the movie! We loved the show when it was out, and the movie did not disappoint. Even if you didn’t watch the show you’ll still have a fun time watching this movie.
We did not love Tomorrowland. Started off good, but then turned kind of…meh. Wait until it comes out on DVD.
4. I am obsessed with all Bravo tv shows, especially Real Housewives. If you are too, you absolutely must listen to the podcast Watch What Crappens. Hilarious! It’s these 2 guys who go over all the episodes, and are so dang funny. It makes me very happy. I made Shawn listen to an episode on our long drive back from a wedding and he was cracking up too.
5. I have recently fallen in love with reading again. It seems to happen every year when the weather gets warmer. I love my kindle paperwhite, and I am reading almost 2 books a week. I keep slipping off to bed at around 7:30 just so I have a good hour or two to read in my comfy bed with the fan on high. It’s the best. I just joined Goodreads if you want to see what I’ve read and what I’m reading now. Any good book recommendations?
10 Comments on “Five Things for Friday”
Awww the girlies are getting so big and cute!! I can’t wait until they start laying eggs. :) I need to get back in a reading groove– you just reminded me I have book club next week and haven’t even started the book yet. Eeek! Hope you have a great week!
We saw Entourage last night after our dinner date and Nick fell asleep!! But it was funny!
The chickens are getting huge!
And OMG you paint like an expert! If you gave me a glass of wine and a paint brush my painting would never look that good!!
ooh.. thanks for the podcast rec! i love the real housewives & can’t wait to check it out!
Your chickens are getting so big now, I still remember when they were tiny baby chicks :) So cute! Your girls night out looked like so much fun too, the paintings are so nice! Happy Happy Friday! :)
I love you five things for friday posts Natalie, they are always so good! I can’t believe how big the chickens have gotten, so cute that they like to play! Thanks for the movie and show ideas we need some better entertainment in our house. I’m getting sick of watching America’s Got Talent :( Happy Friday!
I love those painting nights. I feel like we did that in girl scouts once, sans the pinot :) chefs table is awesome and i cant wait to see entourage. My fave recent read is “girl on the train”…a page turner for sure! Im also reading the miniaturist now…so far so good. Happy reading!
I can’t believe how big the chickens have gotten!! You must be getting pretty close to getting eggs from them?? Totally awesome. :) If you’re looking for some good reads I would totally recommend the Hunger Games trilogy if you haven’t read them already! I’ve re-read them 3 times over because they’re that good! ;) Have an awesome weekend, Natalie! xoxo
The chickens are beauty queens! And look how much they love their new play area! So sweet. I haven’t painted in forever, so your date night really appeals to me.. I need to go paint! Sippin wine, I think would make me a better painter! Is that your sister painting in the photo? What a beautiful scene…I’d like to hang out by that pond for a while (with some wine!). I’ve not seen a Chef’s Table, but will put it on my list.. thank you for the rec. Have a fabulous weekend, Natalie!!
I love those painting places! We have one around here and it’s so fun. That is too cute that the chickens love to balance! They are funny. :)
Wow I can’t believe how big your chickens are getting, Natalie! I feel like they were just babies yesterday! And aren’t those paint nights fun? I did my first one a few weeks ago and I was pleasantly surprised at how good my painting turned out, because I’m not artistically inclined at all. Have a great weekend, friend!