Introducing: Tastes Lovely Rescue Recipes Series
Are you having a hard time getting a healthy dinner on the table due to work, kids, school, chores, extracurriculars, and all the other things? Me too. Let me help you with “Rescue Recipes” that are ready fast and loved by the whole family!
Introducing my Rescue Recipes Series – aka super simple recipes that *rescue me* on busy days! View all the Rescue Recipes here.
Table of Contents
Rescue Recipes Series
If you’re like me, you are juggling all the things – kids, work, chores, homework, paying the bills, remembering to put the trash out on Tuesday nights, texting the babysitter so you can hopefully have a date night this weekend.
Then 5 o’clock rolls around, you haven’t sat down for hours, and everyone is starving and asking you when dinner is ready. But you haven’t even started cooking yet.
If this sounds like you, let me throw you a life raft.
We just had our 4th (yes, FOURTH) boy this Spring, and life feels peak hectic/beautiful/chaotic/life-of-my-dreams/I’m-so-tired all at the same time. And somehow, I’m finding ways to get healthy, home-cooked meals on the table (most!) nights! GO ME!
Introducing Rescue Recipes! These are my current favorite recipes that rescue our family dinner time, which I love so much.
All of these recipes are ready fast and, most importantly, are loved by my whole family. Husband and little kid approved! Sharing the recipes along with tons of prep-ahead tips, ingredient shortcuts, and ways I adapt the recipe to make them lower carb friendly for me (as I try to get back to my pre-baby body), and kid-friendly for my boys (2.5, 5, and 8!).
Let me help you get dinner on the table most nights, too. Go us!
Rescue Recipes Video
Note: You can also watch this video on YouTube.
What are Rescue Recipes?
Rescue Recipes are recipes that are either ready very quickly (20 minutes or less!), or they’re recipes that you can do a ton of prep for the night before or earlier in the day (when kids are at school/napping).
That way, when dinner time rolls around, and you’re rushing in the door from soccer practice at 5:30, you can still have dinner on the table by 6!
Who are Rescue Recipes for?
This series is for anyone who wants a less stressful, more approachable dinner time. So basically, all of us.
There is a special place in my heart for working moms because I, too, am one, and I created these recipes out of a desperate desire to maintain family dinners and…my sanity.
But also very helpful recipes for people who work long hours or late hours, overwhelmed parents or grandparents, or anyone who knows the feeling of “I have no idea what to cook”, “I have almost no time to cook” and “I need to feed us all! HELP!”
Where can I find all the Rescue Recipes?
I’m starting out sharing 12 recipes this Fall, every Monday in September through the end of November. 6 of the recipes are updated favorites that are already on the blog, with even more helpful tips + tricks to get these meals ready fast. And 6 of the recipes are brand new! Yea!
Check back every Monday to see what recipe I’ll be sharing that week.
You can also follow @tasteslovely on Instagram, where I’ll share a Reel of the recipe and my time-saving hacks in my Stories each Monday.
And to be sure you don’t miss anything, you can subscribe to my monthly newsletter that I send out at the end of the month. I’ll recap all the Rescue Recipes, and it will get delivered right to your inbox.
Let’s Get Cooking!
I can’t wait to start helping you out with realistic dinners so your nights are a whole lot easier. Also, a special shout-out to this series, which inspired me to start my own!
Check back Monday for the first “Rescue Recipe” of the series!