Five Things for Friday
1. We went on a late evening nature walk and it was such beautiful light! I love that it stays dark until 8pm. And I love walking and talking with Shawn out in the hills.
2. We went wine tasting on Treasure Island over the weekend. Treasure Island is a little man made island right outside of San Francisco. It’s just a short 5 minute bus drive over the Bay Bridge. We had the best time. The weather was gorgeous, and you can’t beat the view.
3. One of the wineries had bocce ball set up outside. It was so fun! It’s like cornhole mixed with croquet mixed with bowling. The 6 of us had the best time playing outside while drinking delicious wine. Of course I was great at it. I’m great at most games after I’ve had a glass or two of wine. Ha!
4. Something not so wonderful happened this week. I was in a bit of a car accident. Remember how my back window was broken in my car? And then I got in that super minor fender bender? Well, I guess bad things really do happen in 3’s, because my car is now kaput.
I was driving home from work on the freeway, listening to a podcast and daydreaming about what to make for dinner. I was gazing out the side window for a little too long, and by the time I looked forward I saw nothing but brake lights. I tried to stop in time, but *crunch*. The drivers car actually wasn’t that damaged, my BMW seemed to slide right under his and just dented his back bumper. But as you can see my, car didn’t fare so well.
No one was hurt, thank goodness. I did get these gnarly cuts on my arm from the airbag going off, but that’s it.
It was very scary. I called Shawn immediately, and shakily said, “Hi honey. I’m Ok, everything is ok. But I was just in a car accident and my car won’t start and I’m a little scared and not sure what to do.” Him and my dad drove down to me right away, Shawn parked at a nearby park and hopped the freeway fence and came running up to me within 10 minutes of the accident happening. I felt so much better when he got there.
He hugged me extra tight that night and kept telling me, “I’m just so glad you’re ok. You’ve gotta be more careful Nat. I can’t have anything happening to you.”
I now drive like an old person, in the slow lane, with no music on. Lesson learned.
5. On a much happier note, you must watch the newest short film Shawn and I made! A blogging friend of mine, Ashlee, contacted me to ask us help her make a video to announce that she is pregnant with baby #2. I just love how it turned out! Makes me so happy.
Also, this text I sent to my mother in law telling her the video was posted had me laughing SO hard! I should really be more careful when telling people about this pregnancy announcement video. Don’t worry, when we are pregnant, I certainly won’t be telling family via text!
21 Comments on “Five Things for Friday”
I’ve been meaning to come back and comment on this forever. When my husband saw the picture of your arms he said “It totally looks like a wolf silhouette!” He’s so right! look at it! Not to be that jerk diminishing your injury, sorry. I’m glad you are a-ok Natalie, that’s scary stuff!
Oh my gosh it TOTALLY looks like a wolf! Even like its tail is on the other side of my arm. And this definitely left a nice little scar that is fading way slower than I would like. But now I don’t mind it as much if I think of it as a wolf! Haha, love this.
I have a huge scar on the top of my ankle from a golf cart accident (long story) that is the exact same shape as Australia. If you’re gonna have a scar, at least have it look like something cool, right? *wink*
So glad you’re OK Natalie! Thankful for God’s protection for you.
What a bummer about the car though. Hope you get a sweet new ride soon.
San Francisco looks amazing! Can I please come and visit you soon???! I’ve never been to California.
Definitely looks breathtaking.
First of all, I am glad you are alright. Car crashes and near misses are so scary. They make me feel shaky and panicked. Those cuts look painful. Hopefully number 3 will be the end of your misfortune.
Secondly, I love the picture of your nature walk and the green grass. I haven’t seen green grass in a long time!
Hope you heal quickly :D
Holy cow, so glad to hear that you’re alright! I’ve never been in a major accident, but even small crashes always leave me skittish to drive, and I have weird accident flashbacks for awhile. Stay safe out there! And yes, that text exchange is hilarious. :)
Oh my gosh, I’m so glad you are ok! How scary! I got rear ended a while ago and it took me a long time to drive like a normal person again. I still crazily look into my rear view mirror when I am stopped at a red light… You are lucky to have such a wonderful and caring husband to take care of you :)
Yikes, so sorry to hear about your accident, glad you are OK!
I’ve had two MINOR incidents where I was rear ended in traffic and I remember after each incident I was so shakey and nervous for the longest time whenever I had to come to a stop with a vehicle behind me… Nothing wrong with driving like a grandma for a while!
Wow! That accident must have been so scary! So glad you’re ok, Natalie. Hopefully you can get your car fixed without TOO many headaches. ;) Hope you had a good weekend! :)
Ohhh my! Thank god you’re ok! Accidents are SO scary, sorry you had to go through that. They really can change your driving style, for the better. I totaled a car back in 2010, and everyone involved was ok. Shook me up so much that I drive like a grandma today. Totally made me more aware. Sounds like maybe this accident made you more aware, so thats a good thing right? On another note, did you mean to say you like that it stays light out until 8pm instead of dark? haha i’m confused! But yes I do love that it gets dark later. I love a good night walk, especially on a summer evening :D Looks like you had quite the week with ups and downs. Hope this week is all ups ;)
I’m glad you’re okay, but that must have been scary! The video you and Shawn made is precious. I am in love with it. Have a great weekend!
Oh my goodness, I am SO glad to hear you are okay but sorry you got in an accident. That sounded scary but glad Shawn was able to get there so quickly.
I loved the video – totally got me teary eyed- such a fun and exciting time for them and this announcement is so creative. Happy weekend Natalie and hope you have a great Easter :)
I am sorry for what happen Natalie! I’m so glad you are okay. Please keep your mind off the food until you get home from now on. I am guilty of always thinking about food while I’m driving as well but this is a wake up call! be careful and take care over the weekend :)
Oh, wow, the accident sounds so scary. I’ve had minor bumps before and even those shake me up for a while. So glad you’re OK!
The video is so cool! What a fun job!
I am SO sorry about your accident. But I am glad you are alright!! :) Have a wonderful Easter!! :)
Wine tasting with friends is always fun! Sorry about your accident – glad you are okay. The baby announcement video is darling.
Natalie! I’m SO glad you are ok. I can only imagine how scary the whole experience–for both you and Shawn–must have been.
The video is super cute! What a fun way to announce a pregnancy. And so fun for you guys to be a part of that journey for them. I’m dying over the text to your MIL. Almost like your Christmas card, right? :)
Have a great weekend!
OMG, Natalie, I’m so sorry about your accident but so happy to hear you’re alright. Sorry about your car though, but that will be fixed. Shawn is right, can’t have anything happen to you. :) I hope those bruises heal fast. Have a good relaxing weekend.
Eek, what a scary experience — so sorry about your car, but glad you’ll be all right. I got in my first “real” accident — with damage — last year, and I was so shaky driving for weeks afterward (and still freak out sometimes). It’s scary but, unfortunately, it seems to happen to everyone eventually. Glad you had fun at the Treasure Island day, though — that sounds awesome!
So glad to hear you are ok! Not so glad to hear that your car isn’t ok :( I LOVE your videos. I could watch these types of videos over and over again. Have a great weekend, Natalie!
Hi Natalie, glad you are alright, so wonderful you have such a supportive husband, That Treasure Island sounds like a pretty cool place, a wine tasting and bocce ball sounds like great fun. Happy Easter to you and your family.