What’s Been Cooking This Week? (November 21st)
Happy Sunday!
Big week this week at our home! Our oldest Josh turned FIVE! We had tons of fun celebrating him all day on Tuesday. No birthday party because of Covid, AND it was a rainy day so we were inside for most of it. But I don’t think he had any clue because he was having the best time with his new birthday presents and playing with us. I love how simple and adaptable kids are.
We also celebrated Thanksgiving early with my parents, sister and her husband last night since my sister is going to be out of town all next week. Was fun to get to enjoy the Thanksgiving food even earlier! We’re doing another Thanksgiving dinner on Thanksgiving with Shawn’s mom and his siblings.
What’s Been Cooking?
On Monday, I shared my new recipe for Keto Pumpking Cheesecake Jars. You are all LOVING them! This is what I brought to my family Thanksgiving last night, and will be bringing to Shawn’s family’s Thanksgiving on Thursday. Such a hit!
On Tuesday, I shared my new recipe for Keto Parmesan Zucchini Bites. These are an amazing appetizer for Thanksgiving, or Game Day! Super simple to make and very delicious. Like little pizza bites!
On Wednesday, I shared my perfect Whole30 + Keto Gravy. You can prep it ahead of Thanksgiving, then just reheat before serving!
Weekly Menu
On Friday, I shared my keto weekly meal plan! Includes recipe links, a printable menu + grocery list.
Happening on Instagram
House Hunting
If you follow me on Instagram, you’ve probably heard me talk about how we’ve been house hunting for most of 2020 and keep getting outbid. Like, really outbid. Sometimes $250k over asking outbid. Where we live in Danville, CA (Bay Area) has been crazy competitive with everyone from the city now able to live in the suburbs and work remotely from home.
We got outbid again this week, and it was the straw that broke the camels back. I’ve been taking it all WAY too personally, agonizing over the personalized letters I’m sending along with our offers trying to convince the current homeowners to choose us. The stress of trying to get a house and be moved and settled before baby boy #3 arrives (due January 20th) has been too much. House hunting is not as fun as the shows make it look! Haha!
Shawn and I have decided to temporarily put house hunting on pause. With it being so difficult, I’m trying to see it as the universe guiding us in a different direction for the time being. It has felt a little crazy buying at the top of the market. Hopefully things will level out (or maybe even take a dip PLEASE!) next year.
Until then, we’ll be nice and cozy in our 700 sq ft house. We’ll just keep filling our tiny home with love and little boys! Then resume house hunting in late winter/early spring if things seem to be better. And hopefully there will be more inventory too! Fingers crossed for us!
Wellness Setup
Heading into winter, I wanted to share my wellness setup. I take 4 supplements every day:
- ​Mega Food prenatal vitamins: I take 2 a day on a full stomach. These are the BEST prenatal vitamins I have found. You can also get in store at Sprouts or Whole Foods.
- ​Beekeeper’s Naturals Propolis Throat Spray: I’ve been taking this to boost my natural immune system. I do 4 sprays a day, whether I’m feeling sick or not. It is made from bee propolis, which is what the bees use to keep their hive and honey disease and bacteria free. Natures ultimate defender! It tastes like honey, and is so safe and natural. They’re having a 25% off early black friday sale. I stocked up for all of winter!
- ​Farmhouse Culture Gut Shots: This is a fermented vegetable drink that is packed with naturally occuring probiotics. I do 2 shots a day, 1 after breakfast and 1 after dinner. It is SO beneficial for your gut health, digestion and bathroom regularity. Your immunity lives in your gut, so important to keep your gut happy. It’s also helped me tremendously with pregnancy heartburn! I have code TASTESLOVELY for 15% off on their site! You can also get the glass jars in stores. I get it at Sprouts. Apple Cinnamon is my favorite flavor (only sold online). Ginger beet is my 2nd favorite flavor (sold online and in store).
- ​Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides: I take 2 scoops of this a day in my tea or coffee. Dissolves completely and barely has a taste. Great way to get in more protein. Collagen is really great for gut health, hair, skin and nails. I find it’s cheapest at Costco!
Spinach Egg Toast
My biggest breakfast pregancy craving has been sourdough toast topped with sauteed spinach and a perfect sunny side up egg. I shared a demo on how I make it! Watch here!​
Currently Watching
I got a new Apple laptop last week (my old one lasted me a full 7 years!). When I got it, it came with a year free of Apple TV+, woo hoo! Shawn and I started watching The Morning Show and OHMYGOD it is phenomenal! One of the rare shows that we *both* like. Highly recommend if you haven’t seen yet.
Currently Reading
I just started The Cipher this week and am already hooked, and staying a bit too late to keep reading it. About an FBI detective who was kidnapped when she was a young girl and got away, and now her abductor is trying to capture her again.
Funny Story of the Week
The funniest thing happened on Josh’s Birthday, and we caught it on camera!
My sister got Josh this very deluxe powerwheels for his birthday from Costco. It’s huge. And all the boys want to play with.
My sister is my next door neighbor. We rent her backhouse, and we share the STEEPEST driveway.
After the boys were done riding the powerwheels, we were going to take it back to my sisters house to store in her garage. My sister said she’d drive it down our VERY steep driveway.
Look at what happened! Hahaha!
She gets in, and it isn’t until she is driving it that she realizes it doesn’t have a brake, just a gas. She starts careening out of control, flips backwards, and starts grabbing for the bush to stop herself. I’m running after her as fast as I can, extremely pregnant.
We cannot stop laughing. So glad we got it on video thanks to our security cameras!
Little Luxury of the Week
My absolute favorite butter is Kerrygold. It is made from grass-fed cows. It is cheapest at Costco, so I can buy it in bulk and store in the freezer. Seriousy the best butter by far!
I’ve been really craving sourdough toast lately, and love having soft butter to spread on it. This butter dish is big enough to hold the bigger Kerrygold butter! It’s simple and white and looks pretty on my counters.
Have A Great Week!
31 weeks! I *highly* recommend being 8 months pregnant during the best food holidays, haha!
Hoping you have the best week! And are able to celebrate Thanksgiving with loved ones!